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IPL, DPL and OPT, what are the similarities and differences?

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IPL, DPL and OPT, what are the similarities and differences?
Latest company news about IPL, DPL and OPT, what are the similarities and differences?

Skin rejuvenation is one of the most common and classical skin rejuvenation programs.IPL, DPL and OPT, these terms are confusing to many people, what are the similaritiesand differences? How to choose? Today you will have a clearer understanding about it


Full name:Intensive Pulsed Light, this is a kind of non-coherent light, that is to say, it isnot a laser, is the core of photoelectric cosmetic basic equipment, its excellent safety and wideadaptability, in photoelectric cosmetic, has an irreplaceable position. lts spectral range isgenerally 400-1200nm


Due to the ability to emit multiple wavelengths of light at the same time, covering melaninoxygenated hemoglobin, water and other target chromophores absorption peaks, so it has avariety of effects such as whitening sweep black, red fading (closed blood vessels, treatment otvascular disease), skin rejuvenation (stimulation of collagen and elastin new andrearrangement, treatment of photo-aging)

The current market IPL treatment instrument is mainly made in China




Full name. Optimum Pulsed Light Technology, called Perfect Pulsed Light TechnologyThis technology is optimized for the inherent shortcomings of lPL, mainly solving the problem ofuneven energy release and difficult to control parameters in the treatment process of multi-.pulse IPL.
It has the following advantages compared to traditional intense pulsed light
1. OPT is a uniform square wave, eliminating the beginning part of the energy peak beyond thetherapeutic energy, effectively controlling the whole process of treatment and improving safety


To avoid the subsequent pulse energy attenuation can not reach the treatment energy problem.improve the effectiveness


Each pulse or sub-pulse is a uniform square wave distribution, which has excellentreproducibility and repeatability of treatment


The doctor can adjust the pulse width and energy to the maximum range, effectively avoid thethermal damage to the skin of the invalid spectrum, reduce the risk of burns, the treatmentprocess is more moderate, safe and effective



Full name: Delicate Pulsed Light, which means precision pulsed light with a spectrum of500-600nm or 550-650nm. representative device is the lsraeli company's Brilliant 360(Precision Skin Rejuvenation System) equipped with DPL Precision 500 and DPL Precision 550treatment heads, which are mainly accomplished through the treatment head handpiece.

DPL 500: The spectrum of intense pulsed light is compressed within 500 to 600nmand contains two oxyhemoglobin absorption peaks, which makes the spectrum more targetedand is used for the treatment of vascular diseases such as telangiectasia, post-acne erythemafacial flushing, bright red moles and other vascular diseases.


DPL 550: The spectrum of intense pulsed light is compressed in 550 to 650nm, and theratio of melanin absorption rate and penetration depth is quaranteed at the same time, which isused for the treatment of freckles, sun spots, age spots and other pigmentary diseases.



If the machine is a combination of the two, firstly, it has a uniform pulse energy, which caneffectively control the whole treatment process and improve safety, secondly, it has an accurateoutput spectral range, targeted and precise treatment of skin problems. But to achieve thiscombination, both the equipment and technology requirements are very high, and its price isnot cheap.
So what exactly do you choose? The price of the equipment seen on the market varies. it's avery annoying problem. However, there is an unchanging principle that you get what you payfor!

Pub Time : 2024-01-22 16:56:46 >> News list
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